Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today is Finley's second birthday. I honestly can't believe how fast it has gone.

I've learned more in the past two years about life and love than in the previous 30 years put together. Finley has been my teacher. I may worry endlessly about how she will handle teasing or if she'll be able to do normal everyday things like button up a shirt or tie her shoes. However, she shows me every day that she will be fine. She IS fine. She is better than fine, she is perfect.

Two years: too many doctors appointments, too many hospital stays and too much for one little body to go through.
Two years: too many people touch by her spirit, too many to count. Too many times I have been brought to tears with an overwhelming sense of pride that I am her mom.

The past two years have made me strong. I'm a better mom, a more loving wife and a much more decent and accepting person.

Happy Birthday my sweet baby!

Oh The Things You Can your dryer vent

Southern Utah

These photos are from a recent trip to southern Utah with the Shrader girls. I had such a wonderful time, I hope we can make it an annual event. . The weather was perfect, the hiking amazing and the company a blast.
Thanks ladies!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We've been busy....doing nothing and lovin' it.

January has come and gone and I think it's safe to say that 2009 is wonderful. So calm. So easy. Don't get me wrong, between dance, gymnastics, therapy, speech, school and social commitments, we still run around crazy most days.
However, most days start out and end just like this:

And that's enough for me....

One notable thing DID happen in January. Finley got her first tooth. And, in perfect Finley fashion - it was a bicuspid.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Water Baby

Finley's favorite pastime:

Start out as you mean to go on....

My motto for 2009. No resolutions, just these simple words - based on what I was doing when 2008 turned into a memory....

(Larsen, 13 days later, the mere sight of your gloves makes me feel GREEN )

Christmas Morning