Thursday, October 9, 2008

Google Tag Tag

I was tagged by my most internet-savvy, bloggin'est dear friend Sherrelyn. Here's how it works. Google (image) each of the following items, pick your favorite photo from the first three pages of results:

1. First Name

2. Last Name

(Please note this image could have also been chosen for#10)

3. Bad Habit

4. What are you doing right now

5. Grandma's Name

6. Past pet

7. First Job

8. Age

9. Where I grew up

10. Past love

11. Best friends nickname

12. Favorite place to be

13. If I went back to school, I'd become....

14. I'd love to visit...

15. Favorite color

16. Favorite food

Jelina - Consider yourself tagged - you're 'it'

1 comment:

Jelina said... I had to go back up and read the beginning again to figure out what you were doing. I still can't figure out most of the pictures...That is pretty funny. WHAT IS THE BAD HABIT? Cheetos? I will do it next week, I have to post Happy Anniversary to my parents tomorrow...35 years!