I'll blame it on DIRT. We're on our way to having a LOVELY yard, but right now it's a muddy mess. The landscaping has kept us very busy this month. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I don't feel too bad - it's the pictures, not my commentary, that you all are after anyhow.
During the month of May:
We planted some trees and bushes; moved A LOT of rock, put in a fence and even had a swing set installed for the kids:

Finley had her first birthday:

Riley had her last day of preschool:
(singing "baby jaws" below)

Both sets of grandparents came to visit:

We ran the Bolder Boulder and celebrated Finley's birthday on Memorial Day:

At some point, I found the time to make a turtle cake:

And Toby slept through it all.......