Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Check me O-U-T!

Finley's doing great. She's had a bit of trouble keeping her SATs up as high as they needed to be overnight (the oxygenation levels in her blood) and ran a fever as well. They just gave her a breathing treatment, hoping that this will loosen up some of the stuff in her chest so that she will breath a bit easier and get outta here! Everyone has been very kind and helpful - they brought a wagon this morning for us to take her for a little ride around the floor. Dr. Fearon came by first thing this morning, was a bit concerned about her breathing, so will come back around lunchtime to reassess and either discharge her or call in a pulmonary specialist to see her.

Andy took these photos with his Blackberry, so that we could get them online, so they are not the best quality, but it gives you a good idea of what she's going through.

Before they casted her in surgery yesterday, he took photos of her hands. I cannot wait for three weeks to go by so that I can see them again nor can I wait for her to see them and start to use them. Nothing short of amazing. Her right (the one with one more release this time around) looks like a normal little hand. Very, very exciting.......


Jelina said...

WOW! Poor little thing with those big old casts. I'm glad Riley picked purple...that's great! Can't wait to see the hands, too. You are in my thoughts...

Chariti said...

I am so excited to for those little fingers!! Hollie keeps us all updated on Finley! When I think about what you are going through I get goose bumbs, you are so strong! I can't wait to hear her progress! We are all thinking about you!!!!

Amber said...

She is one day going to curse you both for the nudey photo! I think I'll help her get even with you. Fin, I got your back!